Where in sendmail do I add a new forward address for MailScanner?

S Mohan smohan at vsnl.com
Wed Feb 26 00:06:31 GMT 2003



-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Jody Cleveland
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:24 PM
Subject: Where in sendmail do I add a new forward address for


I've recently gotten MailScanner setup on a redhat 8 box running

My linux box is email.winnefox.org, the exchange box is
mail.winnefox.org. I've got mail going into email and scanning and
forwarding to mail. I was just reminded we have an old server
(axp.winnefox.org) that handles a few listservs. Right now, everything
going to axp is being bounced back to the sender. I know I just need to
add that address in somewhere, but I can't think of which area I add it?

Jody Cleveland
(cleveland at mail.winnefox.org)

Winnefox Library System
Computer Support Specialist

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