MailScanner support

Adrian Barker A.Barker at UCL.AC.UK
Tue Feb 25 10:54:01 GMT 2003

 >Thankyou all for such kind comments!
 >The next obvious question is this: what kinds of support service are you
 >most likely to use?
 >The options so far are these (in no particular order):
 >1. Membership of private, closed, high-priority mailing list
 >2. Traditional annual support contract
 >3. Regular installation of new releases and updated anti-virus engines
 >4. Advice on configuration and installation, paid for as needed
 >5. Remote testing and inspection to ensure your setup looks sane and should
 >6. Out of hours support of all the types above (perhaps out-of-hours
 >installation of new releases?)
 >7. Support paid for per-incident, possibly paying for a block of time in
 >advance. How you use the time is up to you.
 >And any other options I haven't thought of?
 >Julian Field
 >MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

With paid support, one issue is the extent of support for older
versions of Mailscanner.  We run Mailscanner on our main institutional
mail servers and can only upgrade a few times a year. In practice, this
has not caused any difficulties, as we have had very few, if any,
problems with Mailscanner.

Adrian Barker, Information Systems
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
External phone: (+44) 020 7679  2795,  Fax (+44) 20 7388 5406
Internal phone: x 32795
Email: A.Barker at

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