Different spam actions based on what MailScanner caused to mark the Mail as spam

Oliver Siegmar mailings at ULTIMATE-SYSTEMS.DE
Fri Feb 21 20:31:27 GMT 2003

--On Freitag, 21. Februar 2003 18:34 +0000 Julian Field
<mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK> wrote:

> Set a very high score (e.g. 100) for all the rules that affect RBL's. To
> do this, look for "RBL" in /usr/share/spamassassin/20_head_tests.cf for
> the names of the rules, and read "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf" to find
> out how to modify the scores for certain rules.

So I have to add a "score-line" to each (there are plenty of them)
RBL-Block in 20_head_tests.cf?

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