MailScanner continously respawns without processing

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Feb 14 22:55:36 GMT 2003

At 19:27 14/02/2003, you wrote:
>I have narrowed the problem down to MailScanner dying silently during

Did you happen to work out exactly where in SA::initialise it failed,
and/or why?

>I started going through bin/MailScanner, first in ForkDaemon() then
>WorkForHours() where I added several new InfoLog() calls. With this
>additional information I went back to etc/MailScanner.conf and set Spam
>Checks and Use SpamAssassin to no. Now MailScanner appears to be running
>nicely and it processed my queued message.
>So--now it's time to dig into why the SpamAssassin interface isn't
>working...I do have SA 2.44 and the test message in the SA documentation
>worked fine. Any tips there would be greatly appreciated.
>For the future, it seems clear that more error trapping is needed during
>these initialization steps--during which there is currently no output. I
>see a bunch of commented-out STDERR printouts that would be great to
>change to "if($Debug)...". Here's what my MailScanner spits out now (so
>at least I know "I got this far..."):
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished reading
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished checking Queues
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished initialising
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished initialising SA
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished initialising TNEF
>Feb 14 14:01:43 granite MailScanner[27858]: Finished initialising

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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