version 4.12 - (Exim and header rewrites)

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Feb 3 20:38:56 GMT 2003

At 19:58 03/02/2003, you wrote:
>On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 02:54  am, Julian Field wrote:
>>At 13:17 03/02/2003, you wrote:
>>>I have just installed version 4.12 and the problem that I mentioned
>>>in an
>>>earlier posting still seems to be there. Briefly, the email headers
>>>weren't been formed in the exact way that exim expected, which
>>>resulted in
>>>rewrites not working. Is this still logged as a problem or should
>>>4.12 have
>>>fixed it?
>>Nick didn't get a chance to look at it before 4.12 went out. I've
>>asked him
>>to take a look, so hopefully he will have a fix v.soon.
>Have fixed it (one typo and one thinko). It's in CVS now, and should be
>included in
>the next release. I'll also post a patch if I get a chance.

If quite a few people are having problems with this, I'll issue a new -3
release. Do shout if you want me to do that.
Here's the patch:

--- /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/old/    Mon Jan 20 20:27:42 2003
+++     Mon Feb  3 02:27:38 2003
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
        $header->{name} = $1;
        $header->{body} = $2 . "\n";
        # Ugly ugly ugly
-      $header->{flags} = " ";
+      $header->{flag} = " ";

        # Important
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@
    foreach (keys %{$metadata->{vanishedflags}}) {
      $metadata->{vanishedflags}{$_} and FindAndFlag($metadata->{headers},
-#  print STDERR Dumper($metadata->{headers});
+#  MailScanner::Log::InfoLog(Dumper($metadata->{headers}));
    foreach (@{$metadata->{headers}}) {
      my $htext = $_->{name} . $_->{body};
      # We want exactly one \n at the end of each header
@@ -1013,8 +1013,10 @@

    my $foundone = 0;
    foreach (@$headerary) {
      $_->{flag} ne " " and next;
-    $headers{uc($flag) . ":"} eq lc $_->{name} or next;
+    $headers{uc($flag)}.":" eq lc $_->{name} or next;
      # OK, found one
      $foundone = 1;
      $_->{flag} = $flag;

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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