Soon-to-be-current versions?

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Thu Aug 28 20:24:57 IST 2003

David Lee wrote:
> We need to do another round of MailScanner and SpamAssassin upgrades
> (currently on MS 4.11-1, SA 2.55) on the production machines at our site.
> The current MS seems to be 4.22-5, but I know that the 4.23 series has
> been in beta for some time.
> Julian: Could you give us an idea of approximate timescale for 4.23-x to
> be considered stable?  (Environment: Solaris, sendmail, McAfee).

I believe Julian is aiming to announce a stable version early next week.

> Also I'm aware that SA 2.60 is close to release.  Anyone know of an
> approximate scheduled release date?  And are there any known interaction
> problems between 2.60 and MS (4.22-5 and/or 4.23-x)?  (I remember that the
> early SA 2.5x had some troubles with MS.)

We've been using a CVS copy of 2.60 from early July for some time now
alongside MS 4.22-4. It's a lot better at catching spam IMHO and better
still if you add DCC (and up the score for it). DCC was a breeze. Never
had any problems with it and especially not ones like the early 2.5x

> Knowing these approximate timescales (even if long), would help us decide
> whether to use MS/SA 4.22-5/2.55 or wait so that we can go to 4.23-x/2.6x.

I've just put the 4.23-9 beta up and all still appears to be well. If
there's no movement in the release direction on SA I'd go for 4.23-?
with whatever SA have as approacing 2.6 some time next week or
whenever's convenient after that. If you want a CVS copy of 2.6 that
appears to work find on solaris but isn't bang up to date I could send
you a copy if you mail me off list. I don't know what they've done since
I downloaded it but what I've got appears to work ok!



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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