Sudden surge in spam

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Wed Aug 27 11:42:42 IST 2003


I am running a similar setup as you except im using DCC and not using Pyzor..

Here is a copy of a header for the "Take advantage of lower interest rates" spam on my system.

Subject: {Spam?} Take advantage of lower interest rates
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 06:28:14 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: mxMAILPro
Abuse2-Tracking: <cmRiQHJva2UuY28udWs=>
X-MailScanner-rsys001x: Found to be clean
X-MailScanner-rsys001x-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (score=20.3, required 5,
        BAYES_80 2.86, BULK_EMAIL 1.84, COMPLETELY_FREE 1.10, DCC_CHECK 2.63,
        FROM_NUM_AT_WEBMAIL 2.90, HTML_30_40 0.63, HTML_FONT_BIG 0.22,
        NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP 0.70, THE_BEST_RATE 2.93, USERPASS 1.30)
X-MailScanner-rsys001x-SpamScore: ssssssssssssssssssss

Hope this helps

Dean Plant.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Pifer [mailto:mailscannerlist at TNJINFL.COM]
Sent: 27 August 2003 11:30
Subject: Re: Sudden surge in spam

No, these aren't Sobigs. I've been getting those for a couple weeks and
MailScanner has been tagging those. As a matter of fact I just changed
Sobig to be silent last week, so I don't even see them now.

The messages are like:
I Can Show You How To Lose WeightZIJSDRL
Take advantage of lower interest rates
Get prescriptions overnight and online dulpbnez atjeq

That's just 3 of the 8 I have in my inbox this morning. In the headers
it has "X-MailScanner:Found to be clean". There are also about a dozen
spams in the mailbox that MailScanner forwards spam to, so it's still
working. Just don't understand why all of the sudden some is getting


On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 21:46, Hack Hawk wrote:
> Do the subjects of that spam contain phrases like "Wicked Screensaver" or
> "My Details"?  You're probably starting to receive emails from SoBig
> infected systems.
> All these emails were tagged as spam on my systems simply because .pif
> attachments receive a +4 rating or something like that.  :)
> At 06:38 PM 8/26/03, James Pifer wrote:
> >Got no responses on this. Anyone else have an increase of spam today? I
> >had 9 this morning get into my Inbox and 5 more by this evening, but
> >some are getting caught.
> >
> >Something I should be looking at specifically?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >James
> >
> >On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 06:36, James Pifer wrote:
> > > The last few days I've been getting a bit of spam each day, like one
> > > maybe two messages on my main account. Then this morning I had 9 spams
> > > in my inbox.
> > >
> > > Everything appears to be working normally as far as I can tell. I
> > > restarted MailScanner just in case. I'm running:
> > > MailScanner 4.21-9
> > > SpamAssassin 2.55-1
> > > Pyzor 0.4.0
> > > Razor 2.34
> > > F-Prot
> > > ClamAV
> > >
> > > Anyone else seeing this?
> > > What's the best way to tell if everything is working, maillog?
> > > How can I tell that Pyzor and Razor are being used correctly?
> > >
> > > I know it's at least partially working since I have spam forwarded to a
> > > specific mailbox, and it has new messages in it.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > James

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