Testing MailScanner

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Aug 26 10:22:58 IST 2003

At 02:27 26/08/2003, you wrote:
>On Tuesday 26 August 2003 2:22 am, Vernon Webb wrote:
> > Because the install was done by rpm and since the options you've given me
> > are more than I able to do.
>I have seen on this list that vendor-supplied (RedHat, Mandrake, etc) RPMs
>are not the recommended way to install MailScanner / SpamAssassin.

You should install them either from source (in the case of SpamAssassin) or
from SRPMs. MailScanner's install.sh script is entirely based around SRPMs.

I wouldn't advise anyone to install 3, I don't support it any more.
Thousands and thousands of people have installed 4 quickly and successfully.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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