MailScanner on Red Hat 8.0 and Exchange

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Apr 23 20:54:45 IST 2003


> >Anyway, I'm just doing our first production environment installation of
> >zmailer+mailscanner... when I put that into production I'll give actual
> >figures for performance.

> If you can beat 1.5 million messages per day (including 3 RBL's and
> SpamAssassin) on a PC, I would like to know. I did that using Exim.

What machine was that ? I am currently testing MailScanner on a Dual Xeon
2.6, lets see if we can push those limits up :)

> I will have to install ZMailer and have a play. Are there any up to date
> RedHat rpm's of it, or do I need to install it from source?

I think zmailer could do more, but basicly, the spamassassin will be the
bottleneck i think. At first Zmailer looks pretty complicated, but once
you get to know the basics its cool.

I didnt try RPMs, most Zmailer setup i have seen were running on big fat
SUN clusters :)

But have a look on rpmfind, there are a couple available:


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