end user head space

David Lancaster dml at UNB.CA
Wed Sep 18 12:59:40 IST 2002

> Comparative arithmetic in a number of filters is difficult, if not
> impossible. I use a modified V3 scanner that changes the SpamAssassin
> header in the message to look like:
> X-Mailscanner-SpamCheck: (#####) score=5.1...
> I round the score and let the #'s indicate the result. That makes
> filters easy, in pseudo code:
>   if SpamCheck header contains "(####" then discard
> And to make it easy for users I've written an simple php interface for
> Cyrus Sieve that lets the user simply select their "spam tolerance",
> user whitelist and forwarding. It probably wouldn't be very difficult to
> modify it to generate procmail filters.
> Per Julian, this capability will be in the upcoming V4 release, but I'd
> be glad to share my modifications if you want them.

Not sure on the ETA for V4, but I know that this is probably one of the
most requested features of our (in-progress) implementation.

I'd be interested in looking at the patch.
Julian, do you consider V3 frozen, or is there a possibility of getting
this added?


David Lancaster

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