end user head space

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Tue Sep 17 20:47:26 IST 2002

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 14:22, Eric H wrote:
> I forgot, is end user headspace measured in micrometers or Angstroms?
> Anyway, end users need things REALLY simple, like three big dumb buttons
> to choose whether they want their spam protection level at LOW, MEDIUM
> or HIGH.
> What would be reasonable values to assign? Low>7, med>5, high>4 or
> something like that?
> I know this is more of a procmail question but I'm thinking of a rule
> something like
> :0H
> * ^X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: SpamAssassin (score>4.9
> .spam
> where anything scoring higher than 4.9 would be caught, but I
> don't even know if you can do comparative arithmetic in procmail
> rules.
Comparative arithmetic in a number of filters is difficult, if not
impossible. I use a modified V3 scanner that changes the SpamAssassin
header in the message to look like:

X-Mailscanner-SpamCheck: (#####) score=5.1...

I round the score and let the #'s indicate the result. That makes
filters easy, in pseudo code:

  if SpamCheck header contains "(####" then discard

And to make it easy for users I've written an simple php interface for
Cyrus Sieve that lets the user simply select their "spam tolerance",
user whitelist and forwarding. It probably wouldn't be very difficult to
modify it to generate procmail filters.

Per Julian, this capability will be in the upcoming V4 release, but I'd
be glad to share my modifications if you want them.
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed RedHat
   Jim Levie                                 email:
jim at entrophy-free.net

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