Regarding filename.rules and blocking

Michael Janssen Janssen at RZ.UNI-FRANKFURT.DE
Mon Oct 14 16:19:30 IST 2002

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Anders Andersson, IT wrote:

> What I cant figure out is if ms uses the rules like a firewall
> and start from the top and then go down in the list or is
> every line equal from ms view?

it starts from top and uses the first matching rule, i.e:
allow   \.jpg$
deny   \.[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,3}\.[a-z0-9]{3}  (double extension)

will let e.g. picture.vbs.jpg through. An early deny for \.doc$ etc will
stop them regardless what sophisticated patterns follows.


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