AW: AW: reporting to Razor/Pyzor

Gerry Doris gerry at DORFAM.CA
Wed Nov 13 02:11:18 GMT 2002

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Jan-Peter Koopmann wrote:

> > The thread from last night had the subject
> > Re: how to install vipul's razor
> I am aware of this threat but it does not answer my question:
> Is there a way to automatically report spam to razor/pyzor? I would love
> to automatically report high scoring spam. I know there once was an
> auto_report_threshold in SpamAssassin but it does not seem to be
> documented anymore. Moreover it said it only reported to razor.
> Thanks,
>   JP
I'm going from memory here but I thought that the spamassassin folks were
no longer trying to auto update razor.  I believe people thought it was
too open to abuse???


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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