Logger.pl in 3.15

Julian Field jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri May 24 10:37:53 IST 2002

At 10:00 24/05/2002, you wrote:
>Dear list,
>  i've updated mailscanner to the latest release, but launching it I
> obtain the follow error
>"Your vendor has not defined the Sys::Syslog macro _PATH_LOG at
>/opt/perl/lib/5.6.0/sun4-solaris/Sys/Syslog.pm line 277."
>So i've erased in logger.pl the eval line in the start sub
> >  # Do this in an eval so it can fail quietly if setlogsock
> >  # is not supported in the installed version of Sys::Syslog
> >  eval { Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix'); }; # Doesn't need syslogd -r
>And mailscanner is doing it's work fine as usual. Any hints about it ?

How old is your version of Perl? "perl -v".

>Ps. For SpamAssassin, i've done a minor change, so I can store the
>SpamAssassin prefs under the mailscanner etc directory. I believe it's a
>better choice than using the .spamassassin directory in the homedir of the
>mailscanner user ...

I have added a feature whose behaviour is basically the same, but
implemented a bit differently. This will be in the next release.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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