Virus Klez.H and McAfee

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Wed May 8 13:51:35 IST 2002

Freerk Kalsbeek wrote:
> I've seen a similar problem here.
> Klez is also detected in my setup with Sophos. I receive an HTML formatted
> email indicating that I can read details in the attachment virusalert.txt,
> but the attachment is not there.

I had one this morning which was disinfected but all I see (in Netscape
Messenger) is a base64 encoded attachment. My guess is that the original
message uses slightly iffy MIME tags and Julian's insertion of the warning
doesn't quite work. I've still got what was left if anyone who understands
MIME or MailScanner better than I wants to look at it?

(Linux, MailScanner 3.04, Sophos, sendmail)



Martin Sapsed                           To have no errors
Information Services                    Would be life without meaning
University of Wales, Bangor, LL57 2UX   No struggle, no joy.
Fax: +44 (0)1248 383826

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