Large queues

Matthias Klose doko at CS.TU-BERLIN.DE
Tue Mar 5 23:58:19 GMT 2002

hehe, nice to see you again :-)

Nick Phillips writes:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 11:52:18AM -0600, Youn Gonzales wrote:
> > we are now running (2) dual XEON 733 boxes with 1G RAM and under a heavy load they are barely keeping up. we would also be happy to help beta test the code and work through these issues. we also have Deliver In Background set to yes and Delivery Mode set to queue.
> This is one of the things occupying my mailscanner "to-do" list... the
> packaging/install is the other main one.
> If all goes according to plan I'll be working on it over the next few
> weeks (no "real work" to do for a little while).
> So I may be back to ask you guys for help/testing in a while. I need to
> get back into the swing of things first (and get my head around everything
> that's changed in the last month or so).
> Cheers,
> Nick

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