Improving speed in picking up messages from incoming queue

Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at
Thu Jul 25 13:23:01 IST 2002

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002 14:05:14 +0200, you wrote:

>I don't have many users, but they were used to get messages emailed to
>themselves almost immediately...
>On a small-workload setup (around 1 message every 40 seconds), is there
>a danger to reduce the 30-second delay to, say, a 10-second delay ?
>I don't have enough messages (about 50 users) to benefit from the
>high-load = no-latency effect...

I don't think it will crash but you will have to keep in mind you
changed this. And you have to keep doing this everytime you upgrade.

Instead I would tell the users it is a small price to pay for the extra
features and safety scanning the mail gives them.

Peter Peters
senior netwerkbeheerder,  Centrum voor Informatievoorziening,
Universiteit Twente,   Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: +31 53 489 2301, fax:+31 53 489 2383,

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