Minor problems with messages to users

Marc Perea marc.perea at ELECTRONIC-GROUP.COM
Thu Jul 11 16:41:14 IST 2002

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:04:37 -0400
Denis Beauchemin <Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am experimenting with MailScanner and I have a few problems:
> 1- using McAfee, when a virus is found I get a line saying so but the
> line contains the message ID part of the PATH:
> Résultats de l'antivirus:
>    /g69IuTY08361/VALUE.exe        Found the W32/Klez.h at MM virus !!!
> I would like it to read:
>    VALUE.exe        Found the W32/Klez.h at MM virus !!!
> How could this be done?  I believe it must come from ProcessMcAfeeOutput
> in sweep.pl, I guess we would have to modify $lastline =~ s/$BaseDir//;
> for something else containing the message ID, but what?

My two cents :

Some time ago I was on a similar problem, i didn't want to reveal the path
to the message, so I modified with this extremely simple trick the
f-protwrapper shell script (Hence, you don't have to touch any mailscanner
core perl-function) :

exec ${PackageDir}/$Scanner $ScanOptions "$@" | sed "s%$hiddenpath%%g"

You can always make a different regular expression to suit your needs.
For example that one should work for your needs :

Hope this helps to you.

Marc Perea - System Administration Staff
Mail: marc.perea at electronic-group.com
Tel:  (+34) 93 600 23 23
Fax:  (+34) 93 600 23 10
Electronic Group - http://www.electronic-group.com

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