Can't get spam checking working?

Gerry Doris gerry at DORFAM.CA
Fri Jan 4 21:07:16 GMT 2002

I have never seen any indication that spam checking is operational with my
install of mailscanner.  That includes the 2.6 version as well as the new
3.01 version.  The virus checking certainly works as it picked up a virus
just last night.

I installed spamassassin yesterday and it also doesn't seem to be called
by least there is no header being added regarding spam
hits.  On the other hand when I activate spamassassin in my procmailrc
file it does add the spam headers.

I have edited the mailscanner.conf file turning on all spam options.  I'm
now at a loss of where to go from here??

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

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