Spamassassin Timeout!

Julian Field jkf at
Fri Feb 1 09:10:53 GMT 2002

At 23:51 31/01/2002, you wrote:
>Could anyone please give me some ideas why I receive "SpamAssassin timed out
>and was killed" message. I am running perl 5.0053 and SA 1.5 with MailScanner

If you still get the error even after doing all the DNS stuff that Quentin
recommends, it is worth noting that there is a bug in 2 of the rules in 1.5
that cause them to (almost) never terminate, which is why I wrote the
timeout code in the first place.

There was a patch posted on the SA website to get around this problem, or
else you can upgrade to SA 2.01 which doesn't suffer from it.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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