<<<No Message Collected>>> [Was Re: SYSERR(root): readqf: cannot open ./df*]

Jim Levie jim at ENTROPHY-FREE.NET
Mon Dec 16 23:55:56 GMT 2002

On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 04:42, Spicer, Kevin wrote:
> I've started a new thread as this is clearly a different problem (despite the similar error messages)
> Quick recap...
> Two messages appearing in error log:
> Dec  9 10:53:59 mailhost sendmail[19633]: gB9Arxid019633: SYSERR(root):
> cannot flock (/etc/mail/access.db, fd=7, type=1, omode=100000, euid=0): No
> locks available
> Dec 16 10:04:56 mailhost sendmail[8497]: gBGA4pjZ008478: SYSERR(root): readqf: cannot open ./dfgBGA4pjZ008478: No such file or directory
> Of these the second is the most common & ties up with messages users
> recieve which contain '<<<No Message Collected>>>' instead of the
> message body
...snip, snip...

I don't think there is supposed to be any way that you'd have two
sendmail precesses running against the queue ID on the input side of
sendmail (i.e., receiving a message from a remote MTA). But I believe
you can can more than one process dealing with the same message ID on
the delivery side. The question is whether this occurs before
MailScanner sees the message (which might indicate a sendmail mail
problem) or when MailScanner has finished with the message. Since I
don't know the hostname of this system it isn't clear to me which side
it occurs on. Does the maillog indicate that Mailscanner saw the message
ID before or after the sendmail error?
The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed

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