<<<No Message Collected>>> [Was Re: SYSERR(root): readqf: cannot open ./df*]

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Mon Dec 16 10:42:10 GMT 2002

I've started a new thread as this is clearly a different problem (despite the similar error messages)

Quick recap...
Two messages appearing in error log:
Dec  9 10:53:59 mailhost sendmail[19633]: gB9Arxid019633: SYSERR(root):
cannot flock (/etc/mail/access.db, fd=7, type=1, omode=100000, euid=0): No
locks available
Dec 16 10:04:56 mailhost sendmail[8497]: gBGA4pjZ008478: SYSERR(root): readqf: cannot open ./dfgBGA4pjZ008478: No such file or directory

Of these the second is the most common & ties up with messages users recieve which contain '<<<No Message Collected>>>' instead of the message body

Tried so far...
splitting mailscanner init script into two to seperate sandmail and mailscanner init process
adding ulimit -n 4000 (and later ulimit -n 8000) to both mailscanner and sendmail init scripts
Overhaul of sendmail.cf (via sendmail.mc) removed some redundant stuff
Compiling sendmail with fnctl rather than flock (have now reverted to flock)

More observations (some new!)...
access.db flock message is not generated by one of the two 'normal' parent sendmail processes.
The messages mentioned in the readqf error are logged at level info as having two consequtive (or near) delivery attempts which are both logged as 'Sent' (as follows - some personal/site information obfuscated)

Dec 16 10:30:36 mailhost sendmail[13099]: gBGAUTjZ013054: SYSERR(root): readqf: cannot open ./dfgBGAUTjZ013054: No such file or directory

Dec 16 10:30:36 mailhost sendmail[13099]: gBGAUTjZ013054: to=<REMOVED at bmrb.co.uk>, delay=00:00:07, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=120695, relay=exchange.bmrb.co.uk. [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent ( <8CDB922F2BB1D6119F5400508BBE1F0E011E6FE7 at XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.net> Queued mail for delivery)
Dec 16 10:30:36 mailhost sendmail[13107]: gBGAUTjZ013054: to=<REMOVED at bmrb.co.uk>, delay=00:00:07, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=120695, relay=exchange.bmrb.co.uk. [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent ( <8CDB922F2BB1D6119F5400508BBE1F0E011E6FE7 at XXXXX.XXXXXXXX.net> Queued mail for delivery)

[PS FOR THESE PID'S - did a ps | grep > file; sleep 1 loop to catch these]
140 S root     13099     1  3  69   0    -  1406 do_sel 10:30 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: ./gBGAUXjZ013084 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: client DATA status
140 S root     13107     1  1  69   0    -  1408 do_sel 10:30 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: ./gBGAUTjZ013053 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: client DATA status

This shows that both delivery attempts were from sendmails that were not children of one of the master processes - so why are there two consequtive delivery attempts for the same message?
I've also observerd that this only affects incoming messages to our domains.

Mandrake 9.0
sendmail 8.12.6
mailscanner 3.23

BMRB International
http://www.bmrb.co.uk +44 (0)20 8566 5000

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