Sophos sweep update problem

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Aug 16 21:32:32 IST 2002

At 20:51 16/08/2002, you wrote:
>On 16 Aug 2002 at 20:41, Julian Field wrote:
> > At 18:14 16/08/2002, you wrote:
> > >I recently updated my Sophos from v359 to v360 using the Mailscanner
> > >Sophos.install script (on Redhat 7.2 system using 3.22-12 rpm). In the
> > >past this script has worked well, However, in updating to v360, sweep no
> > >longer worked as it came back with an "Error initialising detection
> > >engine [0x80040222]" message.
>I came across this problem and found it was down to the fact that
>Sophos had also been installed without using the Mailscanner sophos
>install script at some stage which installed libsavi in /usr/local/lib.
>ldconfig appends the "Mailscanner" library path after this so this library
>will be found first by the sweep executable which ran ok up until 3.60
>which is when we hit this problem.

Many thanks for that, I now understand what is going wrong on some systems.

I have modified the Sophos.install script to handle this and have posted
them on the web site. Look in the News section for today and you will find
links to the Linux and Solaris/Other Unix versions.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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