Sophos sweep update problem

David Sullivan David.Sullivan at BARNET.AC.UK
Fri Aug 16 20:51:10 IST 2002

On 16 Aug 2002 at 20:41, Julian Field wrote:

> At 18:14 16/08/2002, you wrote:
> >I recently updated my Sophos from v359 to v360 using the Mailscanner
> >Sophos.install script (on Redhat 7.2 system using 3.22-12 rpm). In the
> >past this script has worked well, However, in updating to v360, sweep no
> >longer worked as it came back with an "Error initialising detection
> >engine [0x80040222]" message.
> I have just upgraded my test server to v360 using Sophos.install and it
> works just fine. I have also just tried it as well on a Solaris SPARC
> system, and that worked fine too.
> So I can't reproduce the problem.
> On an apparently broken system, what happens if you do
>          cd /opt/sophos
>          bin/sophoswrapper .
> or
>          cd /usr/local/Sophos
>          bin/sophoswrapper .
> depending of course on where you have it installed. It should list a load
> of IDE files and then say something about the number of file processed.
> >  I called Sophos tech support and they said
> >they have discussed this problem with the Mailscanner folks (I presume
> >Julian?).
> They have done no such thing. I would be interested to see evidence of this
> "discussion".
> I haven't heard anything from Sophos at all since they launched their email
> gateway program.
> I hate it when people lie :-(
> >  In the end, the solution was to run the script in
> >the sav-install directory to fix the problem. According to the Sophos
> >tech, Sophos.install does not transfer all the lib files from
> >sav-install (sorry just paraphrasing so could be incorrect
> >interpretation on my part) thus the need to run afterwards.
> Interesting, as Sophos.install runs to do most of the work!
> >Can the Sophos.install script be adjusted to fix this problem?
> Not until I can find out what is going wrong for some people.

I came across this problem and found it was down to the fact that
Sophos had also been installed without using the Mailscanner sophos
install script at some stage which installed libsavi in /usr/local/lib.
ldconfig appends the "Mailscanner" library path after this so this library
will be found first by the sweep executable which ran ok up until 3.60
which is when we hit this problem.

Running would overwrite this old copy of libsavi so *would* fix
the problem but is not indicative of a problem with MailScanner at all
other that it installs Sophos in a different location than the default.

Hope this might have clarified things a little.


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