mailscanner not functions correctly

Scott Farrell sfarrell at ICCONSULTING.COM.AU
Thu Nov 8 10:39:59 GMT 2001

Tell us more about your sendmail config. Are you listening to what port?
are you delivering local, or routing on?

I would first suggest running sendmail only, without mailscanner to see if
your machine/configuration is reliable.

Here is my output for you to compare :

ps -ef | grep sendmail
root      1715     1  0 20:06 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: accepting
root      1718     1  0 20:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m
root      1836  1296  0 20:38 pts/0    00:00:00 grep sendmail

netstat -anp|grep ":25"
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
1715/sendmail: acce

Scott Farrell
ic Consulting - the people that make eBusiness happen.
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consulting, and fast turn around projects for our clients.
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0412 927 156,   02 9411 3622  mailto:sfarrell at

                    Boris Skoblo
                    <borsk at techunix.TECHN        To:     MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK
                    ION.AC.IL>                   cc:
                    Sent by: MailScanner         Subject:     mailscanner not functions correctly
                    mailing list
                    <MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL

                    08/11/01 08:00 PM
                    Please respond to
                    MailScanner mailing

Hi All,

I could once at once after installation start mailscanner and send the
message containing test file. I have received correct response of
the program both warning messages to the sender and receiver. After that I
tried install the perl module net:: ftp, as for me was not worked
script /mcafee/autoupdate. Also I still rebooted the server.

Since then I do not see that mailscanner functions correctly. I try to send
the same test file and I receive it as not of past any anti-virus
processing. To what I have paid attention that when I run mailscanner:

[ root at host /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/mailscanner start
Starting MailScanner:
[ root at host /root]# ps -ef | grep sendmail
root 3180 1 0 10:41? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -ODeliver
root 3182 1 0 10:41? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m

But when in some minutes I again issue the command:
  [root at host /root]# ps -ef | grep sendmail,

I receive only:
   /usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m.

Whether I do not know has this ratio to my problem or and be owes

How in general to carry out correctly diagnostics of my fault?

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