Problems with 5.1.1 milter

Mark Sapiro mark at
Sat Oct 13 01:47:33 UTC 2018

On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 07:40:40 -0400 Shawn Iverson via MailScanner
<mailscanner at> wrote:

> Ok.  I'll run some tests and see what happens.  Were both recipients in the
> To: field?

I have run a simple test with a message with one local and one remote

I get this in the log:

> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: connect from[]
> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: 7002C340121:[]
> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/cleanup[26921]: 7002C340121: message-id=<20181013011623.7002C340121 at>
> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/cleanup[26921]: 7002C340121: milter-discard: END-OF-MESSAGE from[]: milter triggers DISCARD action; from=<mark at> to=<mark at> proto=SMTP helo=<>
> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: disconnect from[] helo=1 mail=1 rcpt=2 data=1 quit=1 commands=6
> Oct 12 18:16:28 msapiro MailScanner[2489]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 1123 bytes
> Oct 12 18:16:28 msapiro MailScanner[2489]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro MailScanner[2489]: Requeue: ED750235E9.AA31F to 2207A34012D
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: connect from localhost[]
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: 63BC1340122: client=localhost[]
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/cleanup[26921]: 63BC1340122: message-id=<20181013011623.7002C340121 at>
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/qmgr[2472]: 63BC1340122: from=<mark at>, size=1635, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 commands=4
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro MailScanner[2489]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/local[26969]: 63BC1340122: to=<mark at>, relay=local, delay=0.13, delays=0.08/0.01/0/0.04, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/qmgr[2472]: 63BC1340122: removed
> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro MailScanner[2489]: Deleted 1 messages from processing-database

You will see this entry on the incoming message

> Oct 12 18:16:23 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: disconnect from[] helo=1 mail=1 rcpt=2 data=1 quit=1 commands=6

has two rcpt commands, but this

> Oct 12 18:16:30 msapiro postfix/smtpd[26916]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 commands=4

has only one. The original two rcpts were mark at (local) and
mark at (remote) and apparently when the milter reinjected
the scanned message the only rcpt was mark at

I did another test where both rcpts were local, mark at and
root at with the same result.

I did a third and fourth test where I reversed the order of the rcpt
commands in the initial submission and the result is the ultimate
delivery is only to the first rcpt in the initial submission whether or
not that recipient is local or remote.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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