mailscanner rules/sets

Maarten mailinglists at
Mon Jun 5 21:52:20 UTC 2017


I have my filename Rules setting pointing towards a rule set like this.

MailScanner.conf -->  Filename Rules =

cat custom.filename.rules

FromOrTo: /etc/MailScanner/rules/custom.filenames.acl

FromOrTo    default        /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf

cat custom.filenames.acl

deny    .\sspx$        example example

However I noticed when it's like this for a that domain, then all the
denies  in filenam.rules.conf are basically whitelisted for that domain
since I am basically pointing towards a whole different list of denies
and allows for that domain. Or is there a better and easier way to do
what I'm trying to do?



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