Allowing a filename

Jason Waters jason at
Thu Jan 5 19:00:48 UTC 2017

This worked great!  It can be letters or numbers and it is 4 random
characters, so I just adjusted it to {4}.  Thanks!


On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 5:34 PM, Rick Cooper <rcooper at> wrote:

> Right at the top of filename.rules.conf place (<TAB> means hit the tab key)
> allow<TAB>COL.+\.tmp\.doc$<TAB>Allow Special COLXXX.tmp.doc<TAB>Allow
> Special COLXXX.tmp.doc
> Your did not say if XXX was always a number or always an addition 3 chars
> if always number of at least 3 digits
> allow<TAB>COL\d{3,}\.tmp\.doc$<TAB>Allow Special COLXXX.tmp.doc<TAB>Allow
> Special COLXXX.tmp.doc
> any three chars
> allow<TAB>COL.{3}\.tmp\.doc$<TAB>Allow Special COLXXX.tmp.doc<TAB>Allow
> Special COLXXX.tmp.doc
> If it always comes from xyz at (and you trust them completely) then
> place the following in filename.rules
> From: <TAB>xyz at
> if the local part can be different but always same domain the use
> From: <TAB>*
> If there is nothing on the right side of that address then no file name
> checking will be done. Bear in mind if you would just like that one pass
> made create a special version of the filename.rules.conf (like
> COLXXX.filename.rules.conf)
> and use
> From<TAB>*<TAB>/your/path/to/MailScanner/etc/
> COLXXX.filename.rules.conf
> and then only that domain would have the additional pass but all other
> rules would still apply. Look that those two files, there is a lot you can
> do.
> All of this assumes the file does not come in an archive (zip/rar) in
> which cases you would use the .archive version of those same files.
> Rick Cooper
> ------------------------------
> *From:* MailScanner [ at lists.
>] *On Behalf Of *Jason Waters
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 04, 2017 10:49 AM
> *To:* MailScanner Discussion
> *Subject:* Allowing a filename
> I have a client that sends doc files but through their system and they
> come as COLXXX.tmp.doc
> The X's change so we would need to account for that.  These are legit and
> would like to build a rule to allow them. I'm assuming it would be
> in filename.rules.conf?  Could someone help me out?  Also they always from
> from the same domain.  I tried white listing that domain, but that didn't
> allow them to pass.  Thanks.
> Jason
> --
> MailScanner mailing list
> mailscanner at
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