Upgrade Wrecks MailScanner
Paul Scott
sales at edenusa.com
Thu Oct 13 20:35:25 UTC 2016
Hello Daniel,
I have not tried the debug switch as of yet, but your point regarding the custom functions is a very good one, and this is what I've found.
1. For unknown reason, rather than simply copying over the files which are ALREADY in the "CustomFunctions" directory, into the NEW file location, the installer copies them into a directory of the following structure, then DELETES the old "CustomFunctions" directory (does not make any sense, I know):
[root at mail custom]# cd /root/ms_upgrade/saved.15549/usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions
2. I just visited this directory, found the files, and copied them over to the NEW directory (again, not sure why the install script doesn't do that):
[root at mail custom]# cd /root/ms_upgrade/saved.15549/usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions
[root at mail CustomFunctions]# dir
CustomAction.pm MailWatch.pm Ruleset-from-Function.pm SQLSpamSettings.pm
GenericSpamScanner.pm MyExample.pm SQLBlackWhiteList.pm ZMRouterDirHash.pm
[root at mail CustomFunctions]# cp MailWatch.pm /usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom
[root at mail CustomFunctions]# cp SQLBlackWhiteList.pm /usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom
[root at mail CustomFunctions]# cp SQLSpamSettings.pm /usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom
3. I restarted all services (in fact, is there any specific order for restarting now?), and now everything appears to be working (YIPPEE), for the most part. But still getting some errors running MailScanner --lint, including this one:
Config: calling custom end function SQLWhitelist
Closing down by-domain spam whitelist
commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled at /usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom/MailWatch.pm line 92, <CLIENT> line 783.
Commmit ineffective while AutoCommit is on at /usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom/MailWatch.pm line 92, <CLIENT> line 783.
AND this one:
Auto: Found virus scanners: clamavmodule
LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
LibClamAV Warning: *** The virus database is older than 7 days! ***
LibClamAV Warning: *** Please update it as soon as possible. ***
LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
LibClamAV Warning: ***********************************************************
LibClamAV Warning: *** This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated. ***
LibClamAV Warning: *** DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq ***
LibClamAV Warning: ***********************************************************
4. And every now and again, I get these kind of error messages in the maillog:
Oct 13 13:07:44 mail MailScanner[4773]: Could not open file >/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/4773/u9DK7gOS005688.header: No such file or directory
Oct 13 13:07:44 mail MailScanner[4773]: Cannot create + lock headers file /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/4773/u9DK7gOS005688.header
I noticed that there are a few other folks having the same or similar issues as I ran into using the install.sh script. I feel that this is going to become a large support issue, and I feel badly for all of us out here in the world that are running into this problem. It is not easy to fix after the script has done its job, and email is so critical to so many people, the stress level is going to be real hard on administrators. I know I've spent a good 24+ hours on just getting back to a somewhat "normal" installation again. If some of the other folks out there read through our entire threads back and forth (especially the stuff from Wolfgang), they may be able to piece together a fix that works for their installation, as I did.
Backing up everything prior to the install is not very feasible either, as unless you back up the entire system, you are still going to have issues. Thank God that the install did make a backup on its own, but I didn't even know that until I started using locate to find my custom configuration files. Thank you very much for your valuable input and assistance! How is your installation working for you at this time?
Paul Scott
-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner [mailto:mailscanner-bounces+sales=edenusa.com at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Daniel Malmgren
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:51 PM
To: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
Subject: Re: Upgrade Wrecks MailScanner
Sorry for jumping in a bit late here (and not really having read the entire thread), but it kinda feels like you have about the same problems as I've had the last few days, see this thread:
Did you try running MailScanner --debug (after stopping the service and when there's at least one mail in the queue to process) to see what it says?
Did you copy the MailWatch scripts (MailWatch.pm and
SQLBlackWhiteList.pm) to the new directory for custom functions (/usr/share/MailScanner/perl/custom)?
Den 2016-10-13 kl. 00:38, skrev Paul Scott:
> Hello Everybody,
> Well, I finally got MailScanner working enough for now so that it is now scanning messages AND eventually releasing them after doing it's checks.
> How?
> I commented out the lines in the following MailScanner.conf area, where they were setup to log to MAILWATCH (changed it back to MailScanner's defaults):
> # Spam Whitelist:
> # Make this point to a ruleset, and anything in that ruleset whose
> value # is "yes" will *never* be marked as spam.
> # The whitelist check is done before the blacklist check. If anyone
> whitelists # a message, then all recipients get the message. If no-one
> has whitelisted it, # then the blacklist is checked.
> # This setting over-rides the "Is Definitely Spam" setting.
> # This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
> Is Definitely Not Spam = no
> #Is Definitely Not Spam = &SQLWhitelist
> # Spam Blacklist:
> # Make this point to a ruleset, and anything in that ruleset whose
> value # is "yes" will *always* be marked as spam.
> # This value can be over-ridden by the "Is Definitely Not Spam" setting.
> # This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
> #Is Definitely Spam = &SQLBlacklist
> So now I guess I have to figure out how to get MailWatch working again, but at least MailScanner seems to FINALLY be running. This has been a heck of a nightmare for me, and I GREATLY appreciate all of your assistance!
> Sincerely, Paul Scott
> www.edenusa.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MailScanner
> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces+sales=edenusa.com at lists.mailscanner.info]
> On Behalf Of Wolfgang Baudler
> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:15 PM
> To: MailScanner Discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
> Subject: RE: Upgrade Wrecks MailScanner
>> Hello again Wolfgang,
>> I may have spoken too soon. Now, I have yet another issue. It
>> appears that the messages that are being put in the "Processing
>> Attempts Database", are not being released:
>> Oct 12 13:57:37 mail MailScanner[4102]: Connected to Processing
>> Attempts Database Oct 12 13:57:37 mail MailScanner[4102]: Found 10
>> messages in the Processing Attempts Database Oct 12 13:57:37 mail
>> MailScanner[4102]: Using locktype = flock
>> I am up to 10 messages now, and none have completed processing and
>> been released out. This is much more serious than what was happening
>> before, as now nobody is getting any email. What do you think is going on?
>> Thank you again,
>> Paul Scott
> Not sure if your problem is related to the Processing Attempts Database.
> Maybe someone else can comment on that.
> Are your sendmail processes running properly? Did you stop your old "plain" sendmail service?
> ps -ef |grep sendmail
> output would help. Also check your queue directories. My /var/spool/mqueue.in directory was gone after the Mailscanner 5.x upgrade for some reason.
> ls -ald /var/spool/*queue*
> output would help.
> Wolfgang
> --
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