Just wondering...

Peter Bonivart bonivart at opencsw.org
Fri May 6 22:23:53 UTC 2016

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Andrew Macheta
<Andy.Macheta at warwick.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies if this is covered somewhere in the documentation....but I
> couldn't find it so thought it might be easier to email the list rather
> than waste further time looking.
> I'm trying to install Mailscanner on my Solaris 11.3 SPARC server that
> runs sendmail.
> I've gone for the 'easy' option and used the openCSW package
> repo.
> When downloaded, I get the following new services:
> cswmailscanner
> cswmailscannersendmail
> and when I download ClamAV I get these:
> cswclamav-milter
> cswclamd
> which need to be configured in order to work.
> Do you know if the cswmailscannersendmail is a direct replacement for the
> 2 default Solaris services (smtp:sendmail and sendmail-client:default)
> i.e. can I simply disable these services.
> Also, I going to use 'ClamAv' as my virus engine and the documentation
> ?seems to imply that 'MailScanner' will talk directly to ClamAV ....but
> why is cswclamav-milter included?
> Basically I'm looking to replace my Amavis-> sendmail -> Sophos ->
> Spamassassin with
> Mailscanner -> sendmail -> clamav -> Spamassassin to see if the
> spam/phishing/virus detection improves.
> Any help will of course be greatly appreciated.

I happen to be the maintainer for those packages and Mark is right, it
would be better if you posted this on the OpenCSW users list instead.

In short, any time you install something from OpenCSW that supersedes
the original Solaris offering you should disable the original service
so disable the Solaris Sendmail service. Don't use the
cswclamav-milter service when using MailScanner (it uses clamd), the
ClamAV package is supposed to be a complete package of that source,
not tailored specifically for MailScanner, someone may want to use the
milter part. But not you. :)

The packages are a little out of date since I don't actively use them
now but I did for a long time so they should work.

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