Fwd: Problem detecting virusses

Mikey van der Worp mvdworp at utelisys.com
Tue Mar 8 11:19:45 UTC 2016


I have a serious matter where the ClamAV detects the virus using Sanesecurity, but the MailScanner does not do anything with it. Could somebody please help me?

MailScanner --lint does work with the generated test file..

Tue Mar  8 12:15:09 2016 -> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/29595/EFF2815FC7B.A700B.message: Sanesecurity.Jurlbl.688475.UNOFFICIAL(366fc310e59c31692c8ce0c6633894f5:20379) FOUND

But MailScanner does not do anything with it.

Best regards,

Mikey van der Worp<https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=182619557>
System Engineer

Utelisys Communications B.V.
Trinity Buildings
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