New server setup, best practice?

Remco Barendse mailscanner at
Tue Aug 2 10:46:21 UTC 2016

Hi list!

I would like to upgrade the servers that are running MailScanner.

What is the best approach on storage? It will be virtual machines (which i 
guess is what a lot of people are doing now), how to approach the storage 
issue, what would be the best approach / design? What size for the 
MailScanner root partition etc. ?

I have to keep verbatim copies of anything that goes in or out of the mail 
servers, i keep the qf/df pairs from sendmail.

I read some people seeing their quarantine getting filled with 7 Gb of 
virii just in one day, what would be recommended storage sizes and how to 
deal with quarantine / archive folders? If it wise or recommended to 
mount an external volume at /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine and
/var/spool/MailScanner/archived or is  there a better way ?

If I have several MailScanner servers, is it OK to keep all spam/archived 
copies in one and the same mount ?

Will CentOS 7 work flawlessly? Anyone using standard cloud images?

Thanks for any tips / suggestions :>)

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