upgrade MailScanner 4.84.6 to 4.85.2-3

Jerry Benton jerry.benton at mailborder.com
Sat Oct 24 18:36:27 UTC 2015

Did you use the install script or did you just install the RPM?

Jerry Benton

> On Oct 24, 2015, at 2:02 PM, Marek Górny <marek.gorny at bolix.pl> wrote:
> He
> Glad to be here, my first mail so Welcome Everyone.
> I try to upgrade MailScanner  4.84.6 to 4.85.2-3 and have some errors.
> My system is SUSE 13.1 with postfix 2.9.6
> My configuration and installation log is in attachments
> I used install.sh script with optin to skip install MTA (i already have postfix installed)
> Regards
> Marek Górny
> Bolix SA
> Ul. Stolarska 8
> 34-300 Żywiec, Poland
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> <mailscanner-install.log><Version.txt><lint.txt>
> -- 
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