Clamd error messages since last week
Glenn Steen
glenn.steen at
Mon Sep 22 15:35:15 IST 2014
Hi paul,
No, I can't say I do... As with any probem of an intermittent kind,
you need look at log entries in your syslog/messages file(s), or
specifically increase logging for your clamd setup and look at that.
The behaviour you describe might actually point at almost
anything;-)... For example: Imagine you have a broken memory chip.
When you reboot, you drastically decrease the probability for that
memory to be used... Over time, more and more memory are likely
"locked" to specific usages, and thus increasing the likelihood of it
being used by a "high consumer" like clamd... You get where I'm going
with that. Not saying this is what you have, just saying it could
-- Glenn
On 21 September 2014 23:40, Paul Welsh <paul at> wrote:
> Following on from my issues with clamd, I rebooted the server and the errors
> stopped for several weeks, then came back again. I rebooted again today.
> I restart the daemon each time it fails but once it starts failing, restarts
> don't have any long lasting effect. When I say long lasting, the errors
> start again within the hour.
> Anyone else getting this? I'm running version 0.98.4.
> On 30 August 2014 12:00, <mailscanner-request at> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Paul Welsh <paul at>
>> To: MailScanner discussion <mailscanner at>
>> Cc:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 19:13:31 +0100
>> Subject: Re: Clamd error messages since last week
>>> If the clamd daemon is local to the mailscanner machine I would recommend
>>> switching to a unix socket instead of tcp. Set it in your clamd.conf and
>>> then mirror the path and filename in the MailScanner.config such as
>>> Clamd Socket = /tmp/clamd
>>> Also I attached a small perl script that will check clamd and make sure
>>> it's both up and running and capable of responding (the PING/PONG)
>>> anything you can use to monitor program result codes can use this as it
>>> returns 0 for OK and 1 for any issues, you can also have it log to mail|info
>>> if you want to use a log file analizer and just call it from cron ever min
>>> or so, there is very, very little overhead
>>> Rick Cooper
>> Thanks for responding, Rick. Seems to be setup that way already though:
>> # grep 'Clamd Socket' /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
>> Clamd Socket = /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
>> # grep LocalSocket /etc/clamd.conf
>> LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
>> Suppose a reboot is the next step. Upgrading to ClamAV 0.98.4 made no
>> difference.
> --
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-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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