Deliver Cleaned Messages = yes (bypasses spam engine)

Michael Huntley michael at
Tue Jan 28 02:13:37 GMT 2014


do you have Spam Checks = yes in MailScanner.conf?


Michael Huntley

On 1/27/2014 5:37 PM, Shawn Iverson wrote:
> Spam can have viruses attached.  Just because it has a virus, and the
> virus is removed, doesn't mean that the email itself should be delivered
> without checking against the spam engine.  That is what is happening. 
> The virus is removed, and the email is delivered without a spam score.
> Shawn Iverson
> Rush County Schools
> District Technology Coordinator
> iversons at <mailto:iversons at>
>>>> Jerry Benton <jerry.benton at> 1/27/2014 6:46 PM >>>
> Shawn,
> Why would you want to have an email delivered that arrived with a virus
> attached to it in the first place? I cannot think of any circumstance
> where you would want to. Keep in mind that viruses are not "bad files".
> For example, a .exe (if not allowed by your policy) would be a bad file.
> Not a virus.
> Jerry Benton

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