Hilton Honors Spam

Peter Farrow peter at farrows.org
Wed May 29 13:48:35 IST 2013

Dear All,

Is it just me, or is it that once you give the Hilton Hotels chain your 
email address they send out bucket loads of spam on an almost daily 
basis, furthermore, the "Unsubscribe function" goes through the motions 
but the emails keep coming.

I have added these to my access file on my mail relay, but I keep 
finding new ones to add in, as they change the parameters of the spam, 
does anyone have a rule or a set of access entries to hand that can stop 
hilton hotels dead in their tracks?

hiltonemail.com discard
hiltonhonors.com              discard
hhonorscrm.net                discard
hilton.com                    discard



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