MailScanner won't run ...

Joolee mailscanner at
Sun Mar 10 17:58:48 GMT 2013

It seems that you are running postfix configured with the
"enable_long_queue_ids" option, see:

I think it would be best to make a note of this in the MailScanner Wiki to
disable the option. Enabling this option causes Postfix not to use unique
message ID's which can cause problems when using software like Baruwa or

On 10 March 2013 17:24, Michael Grimm <trashcan at> wrote:

> Hi --
> On 09.03.2013, at 21:31, Michael Grimm <trashcan at> wrote:
> > Thus: Anybody here that could teach me what to test next?
> First of all I'd like to thank all of you (this list's and private mails)
> for reassuring that my configuration and directory protections weren't
> wrong.
> Thus, I used the old but tedious technique of inserting debugging messages
> into the code until I finally found the cause for my MailScanner's refusal
> of service:
> A sample excerpt of my postfix' hold queue looks as follows:
> | test> la /var/spool/postfix/hold/
> | -rwx------  1 postfix  postfix  - 547 Mar 10 16:37 3ZP6596tR1zKR1
> | -rwx------  1 postfix  postfix  - 547 Mar 10 16:37 3ZP6596xlmzKR2
> | -rwx------  1 postfix  postfix  - 547 Mar 10 16:37 3ZP659714vzKR3
> | -rwx------  1 postfix  postfix  - 547 Mar 10 16:37 3ZP65974zXzKR4
> MailScanner simply fails to recognize those filenames because every test
> on queue directory an filenames uses the following regex ...
> | '^([\\dA-F]+)$'
> ... which is plain wrong (IMHO). Thus I modified that regex to ...
> | '^([\\w]+)$'
> ... and MailScanner is recognizing the correct HashDirDepth and every
> queued file, and now it does what it is supposed to do: scanning mails ;-)
> That regex might well be optimized, I'm not that much an expert. And, I
> don't have any clue if my patch is going to break other parts (haven't done
> extensive testing up to now!).
> Here's my udiff:
> ---      2013-03-10 16:33:29.917729549 +0100
> +++  2013-03-10 16:36:23.032728554 +0100
> @@ -85,7 +85,9 @@
>    # These need to be improved
>    # No change for V4
> -  $this->{HDFileRegexp} = '^([\\dA-F]+)$';
> +# GRIMM (modified regex to recognize filenames in /var/spool/postfix/hold)
> +# $this->{HDFileRegexp} = '^([\\dA-F]+)$';
> +  $this->{HDFileRegexp} = '^([\\w]+)$';
>    $this->{TFileRegexp} = '^tf-' . $$ . '-([\\dA-F]+)$';
>    # JKF Must fix this once I know what it's for.
>    $this->{QueueFileRegexp} = '^([\\d]+-[\\d]+)$';
> To those which are running postfix as well: which versions do you run and
> how do your filenames look like? (I am running postfix 2.9.5) Not sure if I
> happened to alter some postfix option that might have impact to those
> filenames, though.
> Thanks to all and with kind regards,
> Michael
> --
> MailScanner mailing list
> mailscanner at
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