is not spam default behaviors

Jonathan Horne jonathanmhorne at
Sat Aug 3 13:35:27 IST 2013

> From: bonivart at
> Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 00:31:58 +0200
> Subject: Re: is not spam default behaviors
> To: mailscanner at
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Jonathan Horne
> <jonathanmhorne at> wrote:
> > i use my mailscanner server to just scan mails and then deliver on to an
> > exchange server, thus there is no local delivery at all.
> >
> > i tried to set my Non Spam Actions to = deliver quantine header
> > "X-Spam-Status: No", but this caused no emails to be delivered to my
> > exchange server.  if i could have my way, id deliver to my exchange server
> > and also keep a quarantined copy of each mail, because having a quarantined
> > copy still on the mailscanner server make spamlearning easier due to my
> > exchange/outlook environment (and just let the normal quarantine cleanup run
> > as usual)
> >
> > i had to set it back to Non Spam Actions = deliver header "X-Spam-Status:
> > No"
> >
> > is what i want possible?  forwarding to exchange for delivery, and keeping a
> > quarantined copy on the server?
> Quarantine isn't a valid option for Non Spam Actions, take a look here
> or in your MailScanner.conf-file:
> Spam Actions
> Use the Store actions or look into the separate archiving feature.
> /peter
> -- 
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yes, that quarantine was a typo, i did mean to write store, (i think i meant that the action was store the non-spam quarantine).

either way, when i use the config (which this time i copy pasted :) 

Non Spam Actions = deliver store header "X-Spam-Status: No"

the maillog says delivered, but the email ends up in

[root at dlp-centos64 ~]# locate 11CC9C7E

and not forwarded to my exchange server.  if i pull the out store, and reload, new mail items are then delivered to my exchange server as before.

is there a correct way of setting up "store *and* deliver" with MailScanner?
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