SV: mailscanner + exim release from out queue
Jonas Akrouh Larsen
jonas at
Mon Apr 29 11:16:41 IST 2013
Hi Alex
We use exim as well, the reasoning was that since we use debian, and exim is default in dbian, it would be the most obvious choice. Also exim is extremely modular/expandable/customizable. While postfix might be possible to expand customize as well, my impression is that it's not as simple as exim.
We've been using exim+mailscanner for 5+ years with great results.
My only caveat to the setup, is that we can't do the scanning at smtp time like amavisd does.
Best regards
Jonas Larsen
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] På vegne af Alex Neuman
Sendt: 27. april 2013 17:58
Til: MailScanner discussion
Emne: Re: mailscanner + exim release from out queue
Just for informational purposes - I'm not judging - I'd like to know why you've chosen Exim over Sendmail or Postfix, for example. If it's too "off topic" it's ok to answer off-list - y en español si te es más fácil :D
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