Problem messages when spam checks enabled
nwilson123 at
Tue Nov 6 15:04:25 GMT 2012
Thanks John and Sander, very interesting.
I've checked on a working system(Centos 6.3 with
MailScanner-4.84.5-2 and postfix-2.6.6-2.2.el6_1.x86_64) and compared
it to the same file on my problematic system and the file is the same
so I still can't work out why this hasn't happened to my installs
before, I've also compared the postfix filenames on both systems and
both of them are 11 characters long.
Anyway, thanks for your assistance. What is the danger/harm in running
in non taint mode?
Neil Wilson.
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:40 PM, John Wilcock <john at> wrote:
> Le 06/11/2012 13:02, Sander Klein a écrit :
>> Hmm, no the fix is there. Please see:
>> and
>> .
>> Some dutch guy posted it;-)
>> It seems that it's even in the github repo, see:
> Thanks. That fix worries me somewhat though, in that it assumes that
> filenames of postfix files in MailScanner fit the regex
> /([\w\d]{10}\.[\w\d]{5})/
> In fact the part before the dot is the postfix queue file name, which
> IIRC corresponds to the inode number, the length of which depends on the
> filesystem. Mine are 11 hex digits, not 10, for example.
> Changing the regex in the fix to /([\w\d]{9,12}\.[\w\d]{5})/ works for
> me, and at last allows me to run in taint mode, though I'm not sure
> whether that 9 to 12 range is sufficient for all filesystems.
> John.
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