Question about the HOLD header check: why use "Received" ?
mailinglist at
Tue Jan 31 19:19:32 GMT 2012
Hello everyone,
While installing and documenting my hopefully
soon-to-be-fully-operational MailScanner installation, I of course came
accross the part where you ask Postfix to put everything in the HOLD queue.
I was wondering; why exactly is this done (at least by default) using a
regex on the Received header?
Is it never so that Postfix receives mail that doesn't contain a
Received header? I could imagine this to happen for example when a
website on the same host sends e-mail instead of when e-mail from abroad
is SMTP'ed to Postfix.
Or, is this not an issue because Postfix adds a Received header before
it reaches header_check? I have found that header_checks take place in
the "cleanup" stage ( ) which is before
several other stages ( ) but I have
not yet found anything confirming that a Received header is added before
the cleanup stage is reached.
Just curious :-)
Kind regards,
- Martijn
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