Quarantine settings are not applied to Archive Mail

Sergio Rabellino rabellino at di.unito.it
Thu Feb 23 13:24:29 GMT 2012

Dear list,
  I set-up my mailscanner (R4.84.3-1) to archive all the emails, using 
the "Archive Mail" setting.
That works correctly, but i need user/group and dir/file permissions 
changed from root:root/660 to the same user:group/perms used by 
quarantine (which by itself works correctly, changing the ownership to 
my webserver user).

Also in MailScanner conf seems that the archive would use the same 
settings, but quick-looking into the code, i'vent found anything 
referring to that settings into the archiving code, and seems not 
working as stated in the short documentation into the conf file.

It's a missing feature / erroneous comment ?

extracted from distribution MailScanner.conf
> # If you want to create the quarantine/*archive* so the files are owned
> # by a user other than the "Run As User" setting at the top of this file,
> # you can change that here.
> # Note: If the "Run As User" is not "root" then you cannot change the
> #       user but may still be able to change the group, if the
> #       "Run As User" is a member of both of the groups "Run As Group"
> #       and "Quarantine Group".
> Quarantine User =
> Quarantine Group =
Obviously, if anyone has a patch for this, it's welcome.

Thanks in advance.
Ing. Sergio Rabellino

Università degli Studi di Torino
Dipartimento di Informatica
ICT Services Director
Tel +39-0116706701  Fax +39-011751603
C.so Svizzera , 185 - 10149 - Torino


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