Betr.: MailScanner to crash several times

Jan Agermose ja at
Tue Sep 20 14:36:16 IST 2011


there are a lot of the samme messages for each email that it tries to handle and gives up on. Nothing has been updated and it has been running for a long time since last reboot (now I dont know exacly but im guessing months since last reboot). 

I tried lowering the child count to 4, having retry count = 6 and I even set virusscanner = none 

still getting the error

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Arjan Melein
Sent: 20. september 2011 15:09
To: mailscanner at
Subject: Betr.: MailScanner to crash several times

>>> Op 20-9-2011 om 14:46 is door Jan Agermose <ja at> geschreven:
> hi
> one of our mailscanners has started behaving very strange. its 
> processing no emails anymore with succes only saying for each mail in 
> the queue
> Sep 20 14:38:15 mx3 MailScanner[2282]: Warning: skipping message
> p8JHBZlF011310 as it has been attempted too many times Sep 20 14:38:15 
> mx3 MailScanner[2282]: Quarantined message p8JHBZlF011310 as it caused 
> MailScanner to crash several times Sep 20 14:38:15 mx3 
> MailScanner[2282]: Saved entire message to
> /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20110920/p8JHBZlF011310
> what might be the problem - what to look for? 
> MailScanner --lint reports no problems

Are there no more messages then these 3 ?
I remember having something simular when there was a permission problem after an update. Or when you have the max retries at the same or a lower setting then the number of childs MS can spam, then the old age timer can grab valid e-mails.


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