taint errors again -U not working anymore

Peter Bonivart bonivart at opencsw.org
Wed Oct 26 14:45:25 IST 2011

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Rob Verduijn <rob.verduijn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yup it does support, that and in a very smooth and polished way if I may say
> so.
> As far as I can tell baruwa does everything mailwatch can and a bit more.
> The features of baruwa are slowly increasing and bugs are being patched.
> The fact that baruwa is still maintained is the primary reason for me to
> dump mailwatch in favor of baruwa.
> Baruwa documentation is also a lot better than mailwatch documentation. (not
> a very big challenge I admit)

I'm also very interested in Baruwa but getting that very long list of
dependencies working in a Solaris environment might be tough. I see
that they now provide repos for common Linux dists to combat the
problem. :)


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