OT: auto responder (OOO) question

Rob Poe rob at poeweb.com
Fri May 13 05:05:16 IST 2011

Quoting Rob Poe <rob at poeweb.com>:

> On 5/12/2011 3:46 PM, Scott Silva wrote:
> > on 5/12/2011 1:09 PM Steve Campbell spake the following:
> >>
> >> On 5/12/2011 3:28 PM, Scott Silva wrote:
> >>> on 5/12/2011 11:20 AM Steve Campbell spake the following:
> >>>> As much as I hate to set one of these up, a fellow employee has
> persuaded me
> >>>> to set up an out-of-office deal for her. I'm running Centos 3 and
> sendmail.
> >>>> I've played around with a .procmailrc file, but it doesn't seem 
> >>>> to do anything. I've also created the symlink in /etc/smrsh to 
> >>>> procmail with
> no
> >>>> avail.
> >>>>
> >>>> Does anyone know if I have to restart sendmail after creating the
> >>>> Does Mailscanner have any bearing on using procmail?
> >>>>
> I setup a simple bash script for it -- no checking (honestly, didn't 
> care too much about checking).  They've used it forever .. use, don't 
> use, modify, whatever.  Enjoy!
> --

I saw this very same script and think I tried it. Didn't use the surrounding
scripts to turn on/off, but a good idea.

BTW, what checking are you referring to?


Checking to see if they gave it an argument or spitting an error message
telling them to use it as vacationon username instead ofjust vacationon..

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