multi-volume RAR archive problem
Curu Wong
prinbra at
Thu Jan 27 02:16:18 GMT 2011
I think this is indeed a better solution.
2011/1/26 Rick Cooper <rcooper at>
> If this is causing an issue the fix would be in the unpackrar function to
> test if the file is part of a multi-volume archive and not try and extract
> the file. But this is the same as allowing multipart emails, I wouldn't do
> it because there is no way to virus test a multipart attachment. Of course
> there could be a new config option to allow multi-volume rar (or
> maybe archives in general?) files that was rule based so you could allow a
> file name pattern from your own users and disallow from all else.
> Testing for the multi-volume is fast and pretty easy. Command line would be
> :
> /path/unrar lv FileName
> Output would be either
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1 185500442 52428702 28% volume 1
> ^ ^ ^ +--
> Volume Number
> | | + -----------
> The Word Volume
> | +----------------------------------------
> The size of this file
> +-----------------------------------------------------
> Total size of combined volume
> or
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0 0 52428702 0% volume 2
> The first number is 1 for the first part and zero for the others so if the
> file size is known a regex (with all white space truncated to one char, no
> leading or trailing)
> /^\d+\s\d+\s$FileSize\s\d+\%\svolume\s+$/, the file size part is just
> insurance we don't hit the string somewhere in the listing but really I
> think just adding
> another \d+ would suffice
> If this regex hit (and could probably just change the $FileSize to another
> \d+) you would know it was part of a multi-volume set.
> To me this is an overly complicated change to accommodate a one off
> situation. Can you not just enter pass in one of the file rules sets?
> I am looking at the unrar code and as I thought the lv is already used to
> check for password protection so changing the relevant part to:
> foreach $what (@test) {
> #print STDERR "Processing \"$what\"\n";
> # If we haven't hit any ------- lines at all, and we are prompted for
> # a password, then the whole archive is password-protected.
> unless ($BeginInfo || $EndInfo) {
> if ($what =~ /^Encrypted file:/i && !$allowpasswords) {
> MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Password Protected RAR Found");
> return "password";
> }
> if ($what =~ /^\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+%\s+volume\s{0,}$/i) {
> MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Multi-Volume RAR Found");
> return "multivolume";
> }
> }
> This would prevent MailScanner from attempting to unpack the file and if
> the return is multivolume MS could handle it according to a configured
> setting, or default to rejecting outright instead of trying until it hits
> maxfail and rejects it.
> Back to Julian
> Rick
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