Password Protected Archives

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Oct 21 23:37:43 IST 2010

on 10-21-2010 1:02 PM Derek Buttineau spake the following:
> Was something changed in the logic behind the "Allow Password-Protected Archives" setting? This only used to be triggered if Virus Scanning was enabled for a recipient, however since upgrading to 4.81.4-1 this appears to be triggered regardless of Virus Scanning setting providing that "Scan Messages = yes".
> This has caused some messages to be stopped that shouldn't have been.  I'm going to step into the code to see if I can figure out what's causing it, but hoping someone can provide some insight.
> Thanks,
I believe it was always supposed to work this way... Maybe it was broken
before. It wouldn't have any bearing on virus scanning because a virus scanner
can't scan inside them anyway, and never could.

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