help me

Peter Farrow peter at
Fri Oct 15 09:21:13 IST 2010

  On 15/10/2010 09:14, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> Sadly I may be going off list too. Not that I want to, but our company was bought out and the new owners find Linux 'scary stuff' and so they have decided to take our 3 main Linux mail platforms and move them to their comfort zone (MS Exchange) - I estimate that's £16K in client licences for Exchange alone! Don't ask - I have briefed them, drawn up a cost benefit analysis and encouraged them to do a SWOT analysis on our whole, extensive, Linux infrastructure but they cannot get the Board out of the 'Microsoft or bust' mentality.
> It's a great shame as MailScanner is a great app and the List is full of great, helpful people. The only saving grace is that I am moving to a hi-tech electronics/comms company as IT Manager and they are already heavily into Linux for in-house apps and as the core of one of their products and one of my first tasks is evaluate their creaking IT infrastructure so their Exchange server is up for a fitness review!
> Two weeks to go as I watch the empire around me crumble!
> Keep up the good work and I'll see you all somewhere else.
> Nigel Kendrick
> --
> MailScanner mailing list
> mailscanner at
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A more effective use of £16,000 would be to simply burn it on November 
the 5th, at least that way you can see something for your money and have 
some fun too!

Sorry to hear the bad news, thanks for all your contributions,


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