Wifely-type problem
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Fri Nov 5 16:25:06 GMT 2010
On 11/5/2010 11:06 AM, Steve Campbell wrote:
> All of this is concerning my home setup, not business, so....
> My wife is constantly getting into a bind with her home email account.
> She's one of those types that subscribes to everything and gets tons
> of crappy email as a result. Her DSL server mailbox is so full now,
> that she can't download what's up there from the server. I'd like to
> do something like the following, so if anyone sees a problem with my
> plans or knows of a better way, please speak up.
> I'd like to build a Centos server and put MS and Mailwatch on it.
> Probably put some type of webmail on there also. Then use fetchmail as
> a cron job to download her DSL email to the Centos server, let MS
> clean up the junk, let her monitor the email on the Centos server with
> webmail and MW and flush the rest of the junk, and then point her mail
> client to retrieve the email from the Centos box byway of POP to her
> home machine. All this would be on my home network. Hopefully, it'll
> fall into some manageable order.
> Does that sound reasonable?
> Steve Campbell
I do exactly this here at home. all except for MW. It really makes it nice
to be able to control several mail accounts from one server.
ISP-fetchmail-MailScanner-clamav/spamassassin-pop3, or openwebmail.
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