10 years of MailScanner

James Gray james at gray.net.au
Sun Mar 14 07:52:24 GMT 2010

On 12/03/2010, at 10:53 PM, Julian Field wrote:

> MailScanner is just about to reach its 10th anniversary.
> Yes, believe it or not, I took on this crazy idea 10 years ago! How time flies.
> We are planning a big news release and celebration here at work to commemorate this.
> What I need from you guys are some comments and "sound bites" saying what you think of MailScanner, what  you like about it, why you use it. I'm looking for a real variety of comments from all over the world, East and West, big sites and small, so if you've got something to say then I want to hear it!
> So get commenting folks!

Hi Jules,

Congratulations!  MailScanner has been such a big part of my professional and personal system administration and engineering over the last 8 years, I can't imagine life without it.  It scales from SOHO setups to large corporate and ISP networks.  It really is the "swiss army knife" of mail filtering and in my experience the most flexible, scalable, reliable, accurate and extendable mail filtering solution available; both in the closed and open source offerings.  It's a tribute to your hard work primarily, and that of the MailScanner community.

Here's to another 10 years of quality code and product offerings.

Well done!

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